Heyoka Empath (A Complete Guide) - PsychReel (2024)

In this article, we will discuss Heyoka Empaths. We will do that by describing what an empath is and how Heyoka empaths are different from them. We will move on to discuss different signs of a Heyoka empath and also answer frequently asked questions related to them.

Heyoka Empath

A Heyoka Empath has many different traits. They are creative people who think about things in a broad manner. In other words, they are free thinkers and allow themselves to explore different ideas no matter how strange and against the norm, they may be. These people are able to discover the emotions of others and are able to say the right thing to heal them. A few of heyoka empaths may also have trouble with reading and writing.

People find them to be intrusive and rude since they frequently interrupt others. They also feel uncomfortable in their presence. However, it is not the intention of a Heyoka Empath to make others feel this way. Their personality is a mirror of the emotions and insecurities of others. So, others uncover negative traits and different sides of themself when they interact with them. If someone is open-minded and not defensive, they can learn a lot about themselves and go on a journey of self-improvement and growth by interacting with them.

Empaths and Heyoka Empaths

An empath is a person who is sensitive to the emotions of other people. This person can understand the perspective of people around them along with their emotions and their thoughts. They are also called ‘Highly sensitive people’. Generally, they can be described as compassionate and helpful to others around them. Their sensitivity to the pain of people enables them to process emotions with them and at times, they carry those emotions for them. Often, they confuse these feelings with their own. If they don’t set boundaries and engage in self-care activities, this can harm their mental health and exhaust them physically and emotionally.

“For there is nothing heavier than compassion. Not even one’s own pain weighs so heavy as the pain one feels with someone, for someone, a pain intensified by the imagination and prolonged by a hundred echoes.”― Milan Kundera, The Unbearable Lightness of Being

There are many people in the world with an empathic ability. Among these, there is a type of empaths that are known as Heyoka empaths.

Heyoka comes from a Native American term that means a sacred clown. It describes people who detect and mirror the emotions of others around them. In the Lakota tribe, Heyoka makes use of wind in the form of sticks to beat clouds and give the sound of thunder. Whereas, in English, it refers to individuals who look at the world differently, think, and behave against the norms.

Another meaning of Heyoka is pain eater. This is because such people have the ability to absorb the negative and painful emotions of others. They can cleanse them with their abilities. In Buddhism, Heyoka Empaths are people with high wisdom. It means that they have a clear and calm state of mind. They are completely awake and at a high state of self-awareness.

Usually, such people are on a path of self-discovery. This is viewed by others as strange and out of the ordinary. Such people speak and behave in a manner that is different from what is usually practiced in society. In other words, a Heyoka empath has an awakened soul and they try to wake up others as well and reach similar levels of enlightenment. People perceive them to be highly negative and feel unease in their presence. This is because a Heyoka empath is able to uncover a person’s true self including their hidden parts. This is an uncomfortable experience for most people.

Signs of a Heyoke Empath

There are different signs of a Heyoka empath. A few of these are stated as follows.

A Heyoka empath can identify the feelings of others.

These people are able to instinctively identify the emotions of others. They are aware of the right thing to say or do in order to help people process their feelings and in some cases overcome them. They are able to assist individuals in identifying their own faults and weaknesses. They guide them to the path of improvement and growth. A few of these empaths are able to feel the emotions of strangers as well.

They can identify a deceptive person

A Heyoka empath can instinctively figure out who is lying to them. They are able to see through the facade of people who act nice and friendly but have ill intentions in their hearts. They know who are sincere to them and who are trying to manipulate or deceive them in any way. They can also see through white lies that people state.

They can use humor to their advantage

Heyoka empaths are aware of the power of humor. They realize how humor can be used to lighten any negative situation. They use it in a tactful manner to lighten the mood of the room. They know how to approach and talk to people to make them more comfortable and help them open up easily. This allows them to identify the problem and helps them absorb the emotions of others. After that, they help such individuals heal as well.

They have trouble waiting for their turn

A Heyoka Empath occasionally finds themself interrupting others even if they do not mean to. They struggle with waiting for their turn. Their intention is not to be rude. Rather, their mind works at a fast pace and they have different ideas and thoughts. To keep up with such a quick pace, they express it immediately due to the fear of forgetting anything important. Their focus is on pushing their thoughts into verbal expression as soon as possible.

They are good at reflecting back

A Heyoka Empath is a good emotional mirror. This means that they can detect the emotions of others and mirror them back to the person. When they reflect back the statements, it helps people understand themselves better and feel more self-aware. Many people discover a new side to them when they are in the presence of a Heyoka Empath.

They are inspirational.

When people talk to a Heyoka Empath, they experience new insights. This can be quite life-changing moments for them. It enables them to figure out who they are and what they want from life. It also helps people to find out what they need to do in order to grow as a person.

They are creative

Heyoka Empaths have high creativity, are open-minded, and accepting of innovation. They experience a rapid flow of ideas in their mind. These ideas are usually out of the blue and quite creative in nature. Many times, these ideas serve as solutions to different challenges and complex problems.

They are able to read people

Heyoka empaths have a tendency to identify the underlying personality of people. They can see through their character and figure out whether they can trust them or not. Similarly, they just instinctively know if they like or dislike someone.

A Heyoka Empath can solve problems in their sleep

These people, as mentioned earlier, have a fast working mind. Unlike most people, even in their sleep their mind is constantly thinking and trying to come up with solutions to different problems. Many times, they come up with unique ideas and solutions in their sleep.

FAQs: Heyoka Empath

What is the strongest type of empath??

Heyoka empath is one of the strongest and powerful types of empaths. They are known as sacred clowns in Native American culture. These people are quite unconventional and nonconservative. They are freethinkers who have different ideas and thoughts about the world. They act as emotional mirrors for people around them.

What is the purpose of a Heyoka?

The purpose of a Heyoka empath is to mirror the emotions of others and serve as a mentor for them. This means that they should not only help people identify their emotions but also guide them on how to process them. The same is the case when they help people discover their weaknesses and flaws. Their ability to reflect back on the statements of others helps people be more self-aware and examine their doubts and weaknesses.

How do you protect yourself as an empath?

In order to protect oneself as an empath, it is important that they stay away from people who are emotional and energy vampires. They can learn to establish boundaries. A few self-care strategies they can employ include deep breathing exercises, meditation, and visualization strategies.

Are empaths lazy?

Many empaths are considered lazy. However, they are not lazy. It is just that they are always emotionally and physically exhausted due to excessive absorption of the emotions of others. Similarly, overstimulation of their senses can also tire them out. Due to this, they need to lie down and be alone with their thoughts to overcome this and regain their energy.


In this article, we discussed Heyoka Empath. We found that A Heyoka Empath has many different traits. They are creative people who think about things in a broad manner. In other words, they are free thinkers and allow themselves to explore different ideas no matter how strange and against the norm, they may be. These people are able to discover the emotions of others and are able to say the right thing to heal them. A few of Heyoka empaths may also have trouble with reading and writing.

People find them to be intrusive and rude since they frequently interrupt others. They also feel uncomfortable in their presence. However, it is not the intention of a Heyoka Empath to make others feel this way. Their personality is a mirror of the emotions and insecurities of others. So, people uncover negative traits and different sides of themself when they interact with a Heyoka Empath. If someone is open-minded and not defensive, they can learn a lot about themselves and go on a journejourney of self-improvement and growth by interacting with them.

I hope you found this article interesting. If you have any queries or comments, please state them in the comment section 😊




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Heyoka Empath (A Complete Guide) - PsychReel (2024)


What are the powers of a Heyoka empath? ›

Heyoka's empathic abilities make them barometers for Mother Earth. Not only can Heyoka sense a person's energy (good or bad), but they can also sense shifts in Mother Earth's energies. Equipped with this gift, the Heyoka can give needed energies to people, animals, and the planet.

What personality type is a Heyoka empath? ›

A Heyoka empath is somebody that see's the world differently and goes against convention. How these empaths behave will alter people's perceptions and shift the situation's energy. Heyoka empaths act like a mirror to others. They can reflect people's emotions and traits, both positive and negative.

How to tell if you are a Heyoka empath? ›

8 Signs You Might Be a Heyoka — The Most Powerful Empath of Our Time
  1. Unconventional Sense of Humor. ...
  2. Mirror Reflection. ...
  3. Disrupting Patterns. ...
  4. Heightened Intuition. ...
  5. Emotional Catalysts. ...
  6. Sensitivity to Energy. ...
  7. Nonlinear Thinking. ...
  8. Divine Paradoxes.
Sep 18, 2023

What is the rarest form of empath? ›

Heyokas are the rarest type of empath.

How is a Heyoka chosen? ›

Only those having visions of the thunder beings of the west, the Wakíŋyaŋ, and who are recognized as such by the community, can take on the ceremonial role of the heyoka. The Lakota medicine man, Black Elk, described himself as a heyoka, saying he had been visited as a child by the thunder beings.

What is the strongest empath called? ›

Among the various types of empaths, the Heyoka Empath stands out as one of the most powerful, known for their heightened spiritual attunement.

What is the spirit animal of Heyoka? ›

The coyote (trickster) and the hyena (crazed laughter) are spirit animal archetypes associated with Heyoka energy. There are traditional stories about Heyokas who walked around the community with their clothes on backwards, spoke in riddles, played tricks on others, and used irony or dark humor to teach and mentor.

What is the purpose of Heyoka empath Life? ›

In Native American ceremonies, the Heyoka's role would be to disrupt things in order to enable people to see things differently. This kind of empaths uses the energy of the sacred clown to open people's eyes to new possibilities and different angles on a situation.

Is being a Heyoka empath good? ›

A heyoka's empathic abilities make them deeply caring people. Even if shown in unconventional ways, heyokas want to take care of the people around them. They are good sounding boards because of their creative insights and emotional intuition.

What is the Heyoka symbol? ›

The Heyoka symbol helps us visualize and understand the power and energy of the Heyoka empath. It can also help us recognize when we engage in Heyoka-like behavior. The symbol is composed of an image of the thunderbird.

Can empaths be healers? ›

Healing empaths have the unique gift of channeling healing energy to others, feeling deeply connected to the emotional and physical well-being of those around them. This ability comes with its own challenges and profound rewards.

Do empaths have a sixth sense? ›

It's like having a sixth sense that allows you to feel the emotions and energies around you. And while it may seem overwhelming at times, it makes life much bolder.

Are empaths very intelligent? ›

1 Being an empath comes with a lot of positive traits. For one, Brown says, empaths are "highly intuitive and emotionally intelligent," so they can read the room, pick up on other people's energy, and be very aware of their own emotions, too.

Can empaths read people's minds? ›

Humans cannot literally read the minds of others, but can create mental models so as to effectively intuit people's thoughts and feelings. This is known as empathic accuracy, and it involves “reading” cues telegraphed by the words, emotions, and body language of another person.

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