Step One: Locate the opposite gender of the same species. You can do this by 1 calling and hoping that you get a response and that the responder is the opposite gender.
Step Two: Remain party-less and face each other. (Sometimes work in a party I have just found better success outside of the party)
Step Three: The male dinosaur will trigger the Courting ceremony by holding the N key.
Step Four: The female dinosaur will respond to the courting by holding the N key.
This may take a few tries. Make sure you are facing each other.
Tip: Deinos must be on water surface to court.
A Successful Courting
Both players will be added to a party of their own. If you are not in a party together but still showing paired this means the courting was no successful. Break the pair and try again. Pairs no matter if they are offline and log in hours later will always be automatically added to your party upon logging in.
Under status report it will show who you are paired with and under group window it will show both of you in the same party. Remember there is a limit to how many members each dinosaur species can have in a party.
Once you are paired you can add new members up to the mechanical limits.
Official The Isle Evrima Tutorial Series
Official The Isle Evrima Tutorial Series
Nest Building
Nest Building
Testing Nest Temperatures Control Gender:
Gender of hatchlings can be predicted based on your nests temperature.
Cold Temperature (-50) Nests will produce more Male Hatchlings.
Hot Temperature (50) Nests will produce more Female Hatchlings.
Middle will give 50/50 chance.
Different locations on the map can either increase or decrease your temperature faster.
For example: Coastal is warmer while the mountains would be colder.
Cerato Nests | 2 Stages
Ceratos use a debris nest but is completed in 2 stages.
Stage one: build nest to a halfway point then lay the eggs
Stage two: continue burying the eggs in debris (sticks)
Debris is needed to keep it warm
TIP: Non-paired dinosaurs can not build the nests. Also, any dinosaur can lay on your nest and warm it up. But because they can not see the Temperature Icon you wish them overheating the nest.
Place Nest using (N key) & Begin Building nest with either:
Debris Nest: Collect Sticks around the area using Q to sniff them out and G to carry them back. Some nest require multiple sticks throughout incubation to keep nest warm.
Mound Nest: Hold B multiple times until nest is dug and completed
Once nest is built this icon will appear showing it is ready for eggs.
TIP: Do not nest eggs until you have full 3 diet & water. I even suggest being back some food to where you will nest for later. The icon does not disappear until eggs are laid and makes a great marker to find your way home.
Eggs have been laid on the nest. Now is the incubation phase. The eggs will automatically incubate but you risk losing the nest if it gets too hot or too cold. Keep it within the 3 box. Sitting on the nest will give the nest more heat.
TIP: Once Debris nest is laid sniff and find a pile of sticks. Return to the nest and put sticks on nest you will raise the heat of the nest.
Eggs have all been hatched and you are now ready to lay another batch of eggs. The easiest way to reset a nest is to attack the nest a few times enough to damage it and return it to stage one appearance then rebuild from there.
You do not need to fully destroy the nest
Used in crafting Debris nests. Using Q you can sniff out sticks within a 50m radius. Beware building nests near cliffs or high up may glitch the sticks and make them impossible to get. In turn making your nest building harder to complete.
Tip: More sticks may spawn every so often after the nest is complete for keeping the nest warm.
Hypsi debris nest
Rotten Eggs
Rotten Eggs
A nest can become rotten from lack of good diet, heat, cold, or abandoned nests.
To clean your nest of rotten eggs stand up and hold E. This will remove any rotten eggs from your nest.
The better your diet the more eggs you can lay and the less likely a rotten egg will be given.
Nest Invites
Nest Invites
Your nest will get the ! icon when a player has requested to join your nest from the Egg Screen. You are unable to accept invites if you are not near your nest.
Nests can be Private or Public.
Private nests require a Code to enter and Public nests only require the Pair to accept their request.
When an invite is accepted the invited player will be placed inside one of the eggs. Then when they decide they can hatch by using spacebar.
When raising young dinosaurs there are a few things you should know!
Babies will need to leave the nest to allow them to be fed. Babies can press the E key to trigger the Beg Call/Animation. (Deino hatchlings do not beg and eat normally)
Parents or Caregivers feeding babies should hold E over the hungry baby until you hear a "munch munch" noise. This is how you can successfully feed a baby within 1-2 tries.
Babies inherit the diet of the one that feeds them. The better their diet the faster they will grow. Also nesting within a Nesting Ground can improve growth rate.
At around 20% Growth Babies can no longer beg and will require normal diet and water. This is different for every dinosaur some are sooner and some are later.