Visalia city officials are warning residents that flooding could come to nearby canals as Lake Kaweah prepares to release water from the dam.
Crews could release water as early as Tuesday evening, but the dam's manager says water will likely be released between 1-2 a.m. on Thursday.
"If you live next to a waterway, we advise you to prepare your home," city officials said Tuesday.
While city crews have worked to clear drains, gutters, and empty canals, the waterways may spill over because of a planned water release from Kaweah's Terminus Dam. More than an inch of rain is expected to drop Tuesday.
"The Army Corps of Engineers is planning a release of water from Lake Kaweah at the Terminus Dam due to an influx of water in the lake which will impact waterways throughout the city of Visalia," officials said a statement Monday night. "Releasing water will likely include a release over the spillway, which is not a dam failure, but a planned operation."
It's unknown how much water Kaweah could release, but the dam is currently more than two-thirds full. The spillway is large and built to accommodate releases.
Terminus Dam Project Manager Bill Miller said that no water had been released yet, despite reports that it has. There is a possibility a release could happen early Thursday morning. There are roughly 40,000 acre-feet of storage available.
Visalia is working with other local agencies, including the county, Cal Water, SoCal Gas, Southern California Edison, and other nearby cities, to prepare for all possibilities, officials said.
“We are preparing for different scenarios that could take place over the next 48 hours and are working with local agencies to ensure that our city is ready,” Visalia Fire Chief Dan Griswold said. “With the declaration of a local emergency, we advise people to wait for official communication and know that we are working on plans and services.
To receive the latest emergency updates for Visalia, sign up for text alerts by texting “VISALIA” to1-844-713-7830.
The state of emergency will last through March 20.
The atmospheric river brings more rain and snow to California
On Monday, more than half of the Golden State's territory was covered by a wind, flood, or winter storm watch, warning, or advisory as a frontal system in the Pacific Northwest shifted south toward California, the weather service said.
AccuWeather meteorologist Jon Porter said, "once again, there is the potential for heavy rain resulting in major flooding, mudslides, road closures, feet of mountain snow, and powerful wind gusts from Tuesday into Wednesday."
An intense low-pressure system was expected to bring heavy rainto the Bay Area and Central Valley, along with several feet of snow to the Sierra Nevada mountains, according to the weather service.
“Excessive runoff from heavy rain and snow melt may result in flooding roadways, rivers, creeks, streams,and other low-lying and flood-prone locations. Creeks and streams may rise out of their banks,”National Weather Sacramento said in its flood watch advisory, which extends into Wednesday. "Flooding may occur in poor drainage and urban areas, especially where the snowpack is blocking drains and culverts.”
FEMA resourcesmobilized in California
In Southern California, communities were still reeling from the effects of abrutal blizzard that struck the Los Angeles and San Bernardino mountains two weeks ago. Gov.Gavin Newsomdeclared a state of emergency in more than a dozen counties, including Tulare County,where deputies have worked to reach people trapped by water.
TheFederal Emergency Management Agencyannounced Friday that it would assist the regions hit by storms.
City officials are urging people to plan.
“We are preparing for the next storm and encourage all community members to prepare their households for an amount of water that the city has never seen before,” Griswold said. “Even if you do not live directly by a waterway, we advise everyone to prepare to the best of their ability before this storm and water hits.”
How to prepare for the next storm:
- Utilize the city of Visalia Dry Center available at the Visalia Transit Center Lobby, located at 425 E. Oak Ave. The Dry Center is open from 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. through Wednesday.
- The Visalia Warming Center is open from 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. through Saturday, located at 701 E. Race Ave for those needing overnight accommodations.
- Visalia has a 24-hour self-serve sand station available for Visalia residents at the Visalia Corporation Yard on Cain Street, between Goshen and Main. Residents must bring their shovels, but sand and sandbags are available at the station. Bags are limited to eight per household.
- Limit unnecessary travel but ensure your car’s fuel tank is full.
- Prepare your household by ensuring you have water, non-perishable food, and cash.
- Create a communication plan for your family.
- Unplug any devices at your home if flooding is anticipated near you. Ensure any portable charging devices are fully charged before the rain begins.
- Prepare essential documents in one place and have them easily accessible.
- Move essential or valuable items off the floor of your home to higher areas such as shelves or overhead space if possible.
- If you have a pet, ensure you have a stock of food for them and a plan for their care.