Chapter 8 - Mugen Train - Demon Slayer: The Hinokami Chronicles Guide - IGN (2024)


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Mugen Train is the name of the eighth and final chapter of Demon Slayer: The Hinokami Chronicles. This chapter has battles, exploration, Memory Fragments, Kimetsu Points, and a Special Mission.

Use IGN's guide to know where to find every collectible and the best tips for your journey.


How to Explore the Train Station

Chapter 8 starts with Tanjiro, Inosuke, and Zenitsu arriving at a train station. They have never seen a train, so they will be surprised about it.

Here will take place one of the only two exploration segments in the chapter.

First of all, turn around and pick up 50 Kimetsu Points. Secondly, turn back again and go to the left side of the train, where it has its engine. Examine it, it's part of a Reward Mission.

Then, go to the right and speak with a man crossing his arms. He'll speak about tickets (Reward Mission).

After speaking with the man, keep going forward, through the station, and head to one of the train's windows, the one between a man a couple of ladies speaking. This is also part of a Reward Mission.

Right behind the previous secondary objective, examine one of the pillars that is part of the structure under which you are walking. It's part of a Reward Mission.

Then, keep moving forward in the direction, until you find an open space on the right. There will be 50 Kimetsu Points.

If you keep moving forward, you will find a man selling "Railway Bento". He's near the destination mark (!!). Talk to him (Reward Mission).


The last ball with Kimetsu Points is at the end of the train station platform. Simply walk forward and you'll see 150 Kimetsu Points.

Before getting on the train, check one of the train's windows on the left, near the previous collectible. This is part of a Reward Mission.

Finally, go to the exclamation marks and enter the train. The game will ask you if you are ready. Accept and move to the next section of the chapter.

Speaking with Rengoku

After boarding the train, a new cutscene will play. The group will find Kyojuro Rengoku, one of the Hashira members, eating in his seat.

Tanjiro will ask Rengoku about his father's fire breathing technique. However, Rengoku will tell him that he doesn't know anything about it. Then, he'll explain the main breathing forms.

While they are speaking, the train's officer will go to every passenger, asking for their tickets. A few moments later, Rengoku will destroy a demon that was in their wagon.

In the next scene, all the passengers will be sleeping. A demon standing on the train will be presented. Enmu will speak about killing the Demon Slayers by breaking their spiritual cores.


Rengoku will be dreaming with his family — his father and his brother. While he's remembering past times, a young girl will be looking for Rengoku's spiritual core. She will find it, but as she is about to destroy it, Rengoku will choke her, unconsciously, in the real world.

Exploring Tanjiro's Dream Sequence

Simultaneously, Tanjiro will be dreaming with his family — a version of them before they were murdered.

The last exploration segment of the chapter will begin as Tanjiro gets out of the building. There are five elements that you need to collect for the last Reward Mission, and all of them are around the house, on the left.

The elements you need to check are the following:

  • A cart.
  • Logs.
  • Torchlights.
  • A basket.
  • The house entrance.

Don't forget that you can open your map and see their exact location. They are marked with a blue exclamation sign.

After examining the five objects, use the main path and go forward, to where Tanjiro's brothers are waiting. There will be three groups of 50 Kimetsu Points on the right and on the left of the path.


When reaching the end of the path, a cutscene will play. Tanjiro will be collecting water. Suddenly, he will see his reflection, shouting at him to wake up. Nezuko, awake in the real world, will try to wake him up.

The protagonist will understand that something's wrong, and he will start running, leaving his family behind, and searching for a demon in the dream's location.

Here you'll have to complete a brief walking section, with no items to pick up. Just go forward in this lineal path and reach the destination mark (!!). An intruder will be shown hiding at first, then looking for Tanjiro's spiritual core.

Tanjiro will experience flashbacks while running to the main objective.

Tanjiro will become desperate because he isn't finding any demon. However, he will hear his father, who will tell him a hint about what he needs to do. The protagonist needs to kill himself in the dream so he wakes up in the real world. With hesitation, he'll take out his sword and cut his neck.

When he wakes up at the train, he'll discover that the tickets had something that made everyone sleep. He'll start burning the ropes he sees in his sleeping friends. Then, he will beat all the minions trying to break the cores.

The following Memory Fragments will be unlocked: "Shining Souls", "Clinging to a Dream".

In the next scene, Tanjiro will reach the top of the train, where Enmu is. Here will start the first boss fight.


How to Defeat Enmu (Mugen Train Boss)

Enmu attacks using only two attacks:

  • Air projectiles. He throws them while moving from one side to the other.
  • Multiple kicks.

This enemy moves and attacks constantly. The projectiles can be blocked by using your guard, but it's not recommended to block every hit. You should mix it with evasions. The best way to attack him is to hit him as soon as he's about to start his kicks combo

You can use Boost and Surge while fighting against Enmu, but your Ultimate Art is not allowed.

Once you have done some damage to him, Enmu will start using a paralysis attack. When hit, you need to quickly move your left stick from the left to the right until you fill a bar.

The paralysis attack can't be avoided. However, you can exit it harmless if you complete the motion bar fast enough.

When Enmu gets a buff, the boss will make the same attacks with two additions:

  • A stampede attack.
  • An air projectile while jumping.


Follow the same strategy as before, engage when he's about to attack using his kicks or when he has just stopped throwing projectiles.

After his health gauge is reduced to zero, the fight will stop. However, Tanjiro will discover that this isn't Enmu's real body. The demon is, in fact, the whole train.

Inside the train, Zenitsu and Nezuko will wake up. They will be attacking the tentacles that come from the train, which is now showing his monstrous shape.

Tanjiro will be back inside the train, cutting its limbs, until Rengoku appears. He'll tell the protagonist to search for the head's location and split their positions. A few moments later, Inosuke will meet Tanjiro and say that he already knows where Enmu's head is.

The new fight against the boss will begin.

Enmu, Mugen Train Boss (2° Round)

On this opportunity, Enmu will have a new body. The battle will be entirely different from the one before.

He will attack using his hands in a single hit — showing a circular mark on the floor before — or using twice in a row — in straight lines. Plus, he can charge a wide-range attack that covers almost all the area. You need to go back to avoid it.


Another thing he can do is spawn small whips from the floor. You can check the small circular radius to avoid or block them. On the other hand, his paralysis attack will be back, but this time it can be avoidable and it has a smaller range. You can predict it by watching one of his hands glowing in blue before doing it.

Beware of the paralysis because this one deals damage.

It's recommended to attack the enemy at all times, except when one of his moves is near his body — it will be difficult to avoid damage.

When Enmu receives many attacks in a row, he will enter a vulnerable state and his head will be unblocked. This is the best time to attack.

You cant interrupt some of his attacks when dealing too much damage and making him enter this state. Don't forget that you're playing with Inosuke as a supporting character. Make him assist you every time that you can.

Once buffed, Enmu's paralysis attack radius will be bigger. Also, he will attack with much more whips from the ground. The rest of his movements will remain the same.

When his health gauge reaches the red mark, an interactive scene with Quick Time Events will take place. Tanjiro will defeat the demon using his fire breathing technique.

An Unexpected Event

After winning the battle, the train will derail. Fortunately, nobody will be hurt. Tanjiro will wake up on the ground, near the rails, and Rengoku will be with him.


While the duo is speaking, an unexpected foe will come out of nowhere. This demon is the Upper Rank 3 and he will try to kill Tanjiro with one hit. Rengoku will interfere and a new boss fight will take place.

How to Defeat Upper Rank 3 (Demon Boss)

During the first half, the boss isn't very offensive. He will move around the area constantly, but he will do only two attacks from time to time:

  • A dash attack, moving in a straight line.
  • A kick combo that will leave you in the air.

Both moves leave a mark on the floor when they are about to be performed. Avoid them and use chase dash to get near him every time you need.

For this fight, you'll be playing as Rengoku. Take advantage of his range attacks: they have a bigger reach than Tanjiro's special moves.

Once the boss loses half of his health bar, he will perform a charge ability and start doing more moves:

  • A multiple fists barrage.
  • Energy projectiles.

It's not recommended to attack while he's performing an action because you most likely won't interrupt his moves. You can block his projectiles or avoid them by going from the right to the left and vice versa.


Once you defeat him, he will recharge his health gauge again and a cutscene will play.

Akaza Boss Fight (2° Round)

During the cutscene, the demon will reveal that his name is Akaza, and he will ask Rengoku to become a demon, so they can fight for eternity without dying. Rengoku will refuse his offer and the battle will continue.

Akaza will be more aggressive than in the previous round. Apart from the moves that he already showed, he will:

  • Jump for a few seconds and impact a medium radius on the floor.
  • Dash forward and attack with a kick.
  • Throw projectiles in mid-air.
  • Block and parry your combos.

The first two attacks can be avoided by going away from the red marks on the floor. The projectiles evasion is the same one as always: move from one side to the other, without stopping.

On this opportunity, Akaza will gain a buff when losing a considerable amount of health. During this state, his attacks will deal more damage. He'll end his buff by jumping and throwing multiple projectiles at the same time.

Different from all the previous bosses of the game, Akaza won't enter a vulnerable state when his buff goes off.

When you empty his health bar, he will charge it one more time. The fight will be the same, with the exception of him not gaining buffs. Once this second bar reaches the red mark, the interactive sequence will take place.


A Surprising Loss

Rengoku will try to cut Akaza's head, but he will fail. On the other side, the demon made fatal wounds to him.

Akaza will try to escape to the forest because the sun is about to set. Tanjiro will run behind him and throw him his sword. Even when correctly hitting Akaza, the demon won't die and he'll successfully escape.

Rengoku, during his final moments, will speak with Tanjiro about his family. He'll also tell the protagonist that he believes in Nezuko, that she's a "special" demon. Then, Rengoku will see his mother in the distance, in a vision.

A brief scene with the master of the Demon Slayers will take place quickly after this event.

The Final Match

The next scene will show Tanjiro back to the Butterfly Mansion. After some rest, he will wake up and be ready to move on. You'll have to go through the door in front of you and a new cutscene will start.

Tanjiro will meet "Rengoku" outside the building. This version of the Demon Slayer won't speak, but he'll start the final battle against the protagonist.

Rengoku will have the same attacks as his playable side, but with two extra moves:

  • A slash in a straight line, which covers a long distance.
  • A charge area attack, an explosion of flames.


Both moves can be blocked, but it's best to leave your guard only for the attack in area. The other one can be avoided just by using quick steps to the right or left.

The best strategy against Rengoku is to wait for his long combo attack, which ends in his flame dragon skill. Block it all the way and start punishing as soon as he's done.

Beware of blocking too many attacks in a row. He can break your guard without much problem and you will be exposed.

When his health gauge reaches zero, he will recharge it. However, Rengoku won't add new attacks or change his fight style, so you can repeat the previous strategy.

Once his second bar reaches the red mark, there will be an interactive scene. Press the buttons on-screen and Tanjiro will defeat his opponent.

There's a sequence that requires you to press three buttons in a row, like no one before.

Starting a New Journey

After being defeated, Rengoku will give an emblem to Tanjiro, who ended exhausted because of the battle. The protagonist will wake up in the residence's bed, not knowing if the battle actually happened or not.

Tanjiro will reunite with Zenitsu and Inosuke, while carrying Nezuko on his back, and will say goodbye to the HQ's residents. The team will start a new adventure and the game credits will roll.

After completing the chapter, these Memory Fragments will be completed: "The True King of the Mountain", "Only Smoke Remains", "Heavenly Feelings", "Cave Survey Team", "The Shears Psycho".

Plus, the following playable characters will also be unlocked: Hinokami Tanjiro, Kyojuro Rengoku.


How to Complete Chapter 8 - Mugen Train 100%

After the last scene, you'll be back to the Main Story menu. Here you can view the Memory Fragments that you obtained and replay the scenes or battles that you want. To get 100%, you need to complete all the Reward Missions and get an S rank in the battles.

If you have followed this guide, your Reward Missions will be completed. However, you can check the icons and see if the blue exclamation mark has a red tick. That's how you know if they are complete. If not, you can repeat the exploration segments and find what you need.

The last thing you will need to do is the chapter's Special Mission ("The Temple Fiend"). It's a battle against a demon class you have already fought, first in normal difficulty and then in hard. You need to get an S rank in both of them to get the S rank in the chapter.

Up Next: Special Missions

PreviousChapter 7 - The Butterfly MansionNextSpecial Missions

Top Guide Sections

  • Things to Do First
  • Tips and Tricks
  • Walkthrough
  • Special Missions

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Chapter 8 - Mugen Train - Demon Slayer: The Hinokami Chronicles Guide - IGN (1)

Demon Slayer: The Hinokami Chronicles


ESRB: Teen
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Chapter 8 - Mugen Train - Demon Slayer: The Hinokami Chronicles Guide - IGN (2024)
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